
This week Second Class were in charge of our assembly. The theme this week was our strengths.

They had been working hard and brought some lovely artwork with them. We learned about 24 strengths like Kindness, Love, Leadership, Humour and many more….

We all learned a lot about how to be the very best we can be and about how different we all are!

Ms Moloney reminded everyone about our good behaviour and about how important it is to eat a Healthy Lunch.

We sang a new song about the putting on armour and the actions warmed us all up on this chilly morning.
Well done everyone!

This week Rev Colin took assembly. He told us that it was not about the men.

This week it is about ‘Girl Power’!

Mr. Whitehead cannot be part of Girl Power – he cannot pretend to be a Spice Girl.

Or Wonder Woman.

He might try to be Ms Moloney… but we know who he is. The reason we are talking about Girl Power is that we are thinking about St. Brigid.

St. Brigid was so good and kind to everyone.

Rev Colin taught some classes about the St. Brigid’s Cross during the week.

We also learned about St. Brigid’s cloak and how she got the land to build a church.

We were reminded that we must be like St. Brigid – kind to everyone.

We should try to make others feel happy.
We are all happy because we had the day off on Monday- a Bank Holiday to celebrate St Brigid and the start of Spring!

Rev. Colin – Advent

This morning our Assembly was about waiting…

Rev Colin talked to us – we find it hard to be patient sometimes.

His dog is not very good at waiting- especially if there is food around! 😂

Rev Colin asked all the teachers to help him. We love it when he gets them to ‘volunteer’!!

They all had to lie down and close their eyes for a minute..
We all had to wait quietly…..

A minute can feel like a long time..

The teachers had to put their hand up when they thought that a minute had passed…
It was fun – some teachers were too slow & others too quick!
Mr Whitehead got it absolutely right 👍

Now we are all waiting for Christmas…

We are counting down the days of Advent in our calendars..

Next Friday is Christmas Jumper Day, next Sunday is our Carol Service.
It is a busy & exciting time of year.
Our frása is ‘Cuir ort do chóta’!!! The weather is very cold!
We gave out the awards & and sang ‘The Kindness Song’.
We hope to have a lovely weekend and look forward to another busy week to follow.

6th Class- Gratitude

This week our assembly was hosted by 6th Class. The theme was Gratitude as it was ‘World Gratitude Day’. They had some wonderful artwork to share with us and asked us to be grateful for all the wonderful things we all have.

We are grateful for our families, our friends, the wonderful world around us and our schools and the staff.

We watched a short video and we sang ‘If I were a butterfly’.

Then we got a surprise – 6th Class had a rose for every member of staff to show how grateful they are for all they do to teach, help and support them! They were delighted – what a lovely thing on a Friday morning! There was, of course, one for Rev Natasha too!

All the classes were given ‘Gratitude Cards’ and we will be filling them in to create a ‘Whole school Gratitude Jar’! Such a great idea. 

Our frása this week is ‘Is mise…..’, we are learning this with our Junior Infants!

We gave out the Merit Awards, Gaeilgeoir na Seachtaine Awards and the Kindness Cup.

Finally, there was a big surprise for Ms Furney! Some of 6th Class had been shopping and they presented her with a card, chocolates and flowers to show her how grateful they all are to have her as their teacher!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Junior Infants

This week our assembly was hosted by the newest class in our school -Junior Infants!
We were all so delighted to see them up at the front of the hall with their beautiful name cards.
Everything listened very carefully as they introduced themselves!
They were wonderful!
Our frása this week is ‘Tá sé ag cur báistí’, what a wet day! 
It didn’t stop us from singing one of our favourites – ‘Our God is A Great Big God’.
We prayed with Rev Colin & gave out the awards. Then we went back to school – Junior Infants were so happy to go safely back with their buddies!
We are looking forward to the weekend and we will all be back together again next week!

Welcome Back- Rev. Colin

This morning was the first assembly of the new school year! We all gathered in the Parish Centre to hear what Rev Colin had to say…

The theme was ‘New’. A new school year and new classrooms. Some new teachers and lots of new pupils – even Rev Natasha our new curate. Everyone was welcomed.

Then Rev Colin pretended to be the principal and we all played ‘Ms Moloney says…’It was fun and it got us all moving!

We learned about the things we should not do in school this year or any other year..

And all the good things we should try to do..

We solved the puzzle
‘Be strong and brave, God is with you everywhere’

We gave out all our usual awards and then we were all very excited to wish Ms Gray well. She will not be at assembly next Friday because she is getting married!Such exciting news for us all. We gave her some flowers and everyone in the school made her a special book full of love and best wishes for a wonderful wedding day and a very happy marriage!

Everyone is enjoying the sunshine and looking forward to a great weekend!